The ESU brings together and empowers people of different
languages and cultures. By building skills and confidence
in communication, we give people the opportunity to realise
their potential. Worldwide, the members and alumni of the
ESU support these objectives.
Our vision is to provide young people with communication skills,
confidence and networking opportunities. We endeavour to see
that the value of good communication as an essential attribute
for individual, community and global development and understanding
is publicly recognised and widely integrated into education
and social policy.
Preparing the future EXPATs...
Turkey is an expatriate exporting country, and ESU Turkey
aims to provide a platform for young professionals to get
prepared for a future expat life. In line with that goal and
within the framework of our vision, ESU Turkey will be hosting
a series of roundtable discussions and debating opportunities,
called "ESU ExpatSuite". The program will aim to
help talented young people improve their multicultural adaptation
skills to help them be better prepared for an international
Each event starts with some international key note speakers
expressing their point of view on the subject and all participants
are welcome to get actively involved in the following discussion
and debate (some rules apply). Details of the key note speakers
for each event will be announced on our web site two weeks
before the meeting date.
Please also note that all meetings are free of charge for
our members, and a participation fee applies to other participants.
RSVP is highly recommended due to limited place availability.
Please the other side of the brochure for 2012 program and
check our web site for more information:

Other programs related to ExpatSuite:
Doing business
in Near Europe" series of workshops
Focus China"
roundtable debates with China Institute
Expats on campus"
ExpatSuite meetings at universities
training, coaching and mentoring programs
for preparing young professionals as expats
social programs for Expats and their families
Venue: Grand Hyatt Taksim / Time: 18:30 - 21:00